Fred Korematsu was a civil rights hero

Fred  Korematsu was a civil rights her

Fred  Korematsu

Fred Korematsu, born on January 30, 1919, died on March 30, 2005, owes his notoriety to having contested until the US Supreme Court the constitutionality of internment of Japanese-Americans on the West Coast during the Second World War. He was himself one of the many Japanese-American citizens of the West Coast during the war who were forced into confinement. Some time after the Japanese Imperial Navy attack on Pearl Harbor, President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued Presidential Decree 9066, authorizing War Secretary Henry L. Stimson to demand that all residents of Japanese origin living in the West Coast Exclusion Zone "are reported in the internment camps for this purpose. The judgment in the Supreme Court in the case of Korematsu v. United States of America is one of the most controversial decisions in the country's highest 
court on racial discrimination

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